“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

- Mark 16:17-18 (NKJV)

Christ Healing Centre WhatsApp Group Rules

  • Details will be shared on Upcoming Services, Announcements and News

  • Please do not post Prayer Requests, send them to our email address

  • No spamming: Do not use the group to promote business, personal interests or inappropriate material.

  • Members of the group to treat each other with respect and kindness. This includes refraining from using offensive language or making personal attacks.

  • Do not PM other users in the chat without their consent.

  • This WhatsApp Group is run by CHC Admin Department.

The Healing Power of God

Val Wolff’s book THE HEALING POWER OF GOD is available on amazon kindle or in our in person services, you can contact us at for more details.

THE purpose of this book is to bring you to a place to receive your healing, to expose root causes of sicknesses and to build your faith in God, causing you to be set free from sickness and disease – but, most importantly, to bring you into a personal relationship and love walk with Jesus by following in His ways.

'El Poder Sanador De Dios: Tu GuĂ­a para la Sanidad Divina en Cristo (Spanish Edition)

Prayer Warriors needed for Val Wolff, Christ Healing Centre & her Team!

Would you join us in prayer for Growth, finances, travel, property and against attacks.
email us at and let us know you're praying for us in faith.

please only attend services on dates and times as indicated on our website



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We are currently having In Person services in Durban, Cape Town, Pretoria and Johannesburg, these are hired halls and all information will be displayed on this website. The Durban Services are held at the Durban Primary School on dates advertised on this website, many travel to these services locally and internationally and are set free in Jesus mighty name. BEFORE attending a Service, please see the FAQ section on this Website and be sure to see the Dates & Times indicated on this website.

In addition to this, Val is also ministering Zoom Services on our YouTube Channel & Facebook Page. Be sure to Subscribe to our Newsletter and our Channel for updates.


Since 2010 Val Wolff has been training many Pastors and Believers, both locally & internationally how to Effectively pray Deliverance & Healing prayer over people, she emphasizes that we are not only to preach the Word, but to act upon the Word by faith in Jesus name, and as we do this, miracles happen. A dynamic deliverance teaching & time for all to receive deliverance as well as a prayer of Impartation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, after this, many go back to their countries & churchds with great excitement, full of the Holy Spirit, to fulfil the Great Commission that Jesus instructed all Believers to do in Mark 16:15-18.

See the Healing Schools page for more Information & Join our YouTube Membership Section for past Healing and Deliverance School Online Teachings.

Donate to our vision

We encourage you to pray about Donating to this Ministry, so that we can move ahead into this Vision this year in Jesus name. Your blessing is an investment into people’s lives, it’s all about praying for the sick, seeing people delivered & healed, changing lives, discipling people and training them to move in the gifts of the spirit. It’s about demonstrating the Word of God with signs following (Mark 16:15-20).

Thank you for your support in helping us to move ahead with our Vision. See our Donate Page and give as the Lord leads you from your heart.