Healing & Deliverance School

Hit the JOIN button and watch the entire Cape Town Healing School on this Membership Section, we thank you for your Support.

We don't charge for any events, so we rely on donations.
If you are able to assist with funds towards our Services and Schools, travelling, accommodation, vehicle rental, hall hire etc.
Our details are on the Donate Page.
Thank you for your support.

Do you desire to learn how to pray effectively for the sick? those hurting, in pain and tormented? to see friends, family, colleagues healed and set free when YOU pray for them in the Mighty name of Jesus?

Your life will never be the same again once you attend a Healing School. Plan now to be on the receiving end of what God has for you. You are about to embark on one of the most exciting things that you will ever do in the life of a Christian for our Lord.


We have uploaded our entire Healing School Teaching, CDs and Deliverance Teachings to our YouTube Channel in the Membership Area, hit the JOIN button. Thank you for your Support. See Video below as Val explains more about Memberships.


We had a wonderful Healing and Deliverance School on Saturday, 1 & 2 July 2023 in Cape Town, people travelled from USA, UK, Western Cape, George, East London, Johannesburg and all around South Africa to attend. Watch these videos and be sure to subscribe for updates. At present, we do not have another School scheduled, subscribe to our mailing list on the contact page and you will be advised when another school is scheduled.




Healing School Testimonies

Your life will never be the same again once you attend a Healing School. Plan now to be on the receiving end of what God has for you. You are about to embark on one of the most exciting things that you will ever do in the life of a Christian for our Lord Jesus Christ! One of the most exciting MIRACLES you will ever see is to lay hands on the sick and watch the POWER OF GOD actually move a part of the body, to see your friends and family healed in Jesus name by simply following the final command of Jesus before he ascended into Heaven.

What you can expect to receive at a Healing School

Your own Healing, Learn how to effectively pray for the sick, Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, Casting out demons, Practical ways on How to Heal the sick in Jesus name (Growing out Arms and Legs, etc.), Impartation and activate the gifts of Healing, Be equipped to Minister Healing to others, Gain greater confidence in God’s ability to bring you and others into the only truth that will set people free, Creative Miracles, Spiritual Root Causes of sicknesses and much more.

Photography and Videography

Please note that all of our Healing Services and Schools are videotaped and parts of the service are shown on our YouTube Channel. Your deliverance and testimony gives hope to many in similar situations. Jesus keeps on giving us this evidence that He indeed is the same, yesterday, today and forever and as they watch them, their faith is built up to receive their own healing.


At present, Christ Healing Centre does not have a Vehicle for personal transportation or Accommodation for lodging for those coming to our Services or Schools. Please make all transport arrangements before coming to our Services and Schools. The services are at no charge whatsoever, but you must support yourself while you are here in Durban. There are many Bed and Breakfast places around the area as well.


Deliverance has been rejected by many churches, mostly because of a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), the devil has been out there stealing, killing and destroying far too many people in the Body of Christ (John 10:10). The Gospel is a powerful Gospel, not a powerless Gospel. Its time to take back what the devil has stolen from you and your loved ones and friends.. Val will be speaking in great depth on Deliverance at the Healing School, providing clear understanding first, that deliverance was a great part of JESUS ministry and secondly, is part of the Great Commission (Mark 16:17) that has been neglected. We cannot ignore this subject any longer, people are crying out for deliverance from evil spirits, now is the time to become a 'doer of the Word' and get people set free in Jesus name. We have the keys! Jesus gave them to us to use for ourselves, then to set others free! He is waiting for US to do this Kingdom work! At our Healing Schools, Val has taught Priests, Pastors, Ministers, Reverends, Church Leaders, Healing Teams and Beleivers to flow in the Gifts of the Spirit, God wants to restore the Great Commission back to the Churches and ignite them with Revival Fires by His Spirit. I encourage you to come along, everyone is welcome to attend and experience how to flow in the Gifts of Healing.


Due to the long hours and the wild Deliverances demonstrated at the Healing School, we respectfully ask that you make child care arrangements for children under the age of 12.

Pastor Val, what a great afternoon in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Absolutely a divine teaching on healing and deliverance as well as the demonstration of Gods power. What I have learned today cannot be found in books. Thank you and God bless you.

— Pastor D. Joubert

Val, I would just like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a great and faithful servant of the Lord. There are not many pastors who can teach in such a humbling, gentle and yet powerful way. You are truly a wonderful blessing in this world. May you be blessed daily and rise above any persecutions for the good work that you do. This course was one of the most important steps in my life. It has equipped me with added knowledge on how to get my loved ones back on track and set free from sickness, disease and afflictions. Thank you again.

— D Sneddon

Dear Val, the Healing School was Awesome. God moved and you were able to teach, demonstrate and do impartation successfully. I like your vision. I am in awe of the mixed audience in the room and the Anglicans were hungry too. Continue to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit and take the kingdom to the people and open their eyes from ignorance. God bless you and your family.

— S De Quintal

“Hi Val, today was one of the wonderful yet most revealing insight that I have had. I could only listen, and truly absorb the reality of what was taught. It felt so good to be back, there was some very direct info for me, and am still trying to process through.”

— M Jacoby

“Hi Val, thank you for such an awesome day on Saturday. Your teachings are so in-depth and yet so simple and you carry such a strong anointing. I thank God for raising you up for such a time as this and for linking Sybil and I with your Ministry. God bless.”

— S De Quintal

“A great big GOD BLESS YOU, Pastor Val, I just want to thank you for the time you took to have this Healing School. I thank God for obedient, faithful servants like you. I was so blessed and enlightened by Saturday's teachings. It was worth my trip from Pietermaritzburg. I feel there is such a need here in PMB for these teachings, God Bless.”

— Premla

Hi Pastor Val, I’m glad to have been to the Healing School on Saturday. Was a eye opener for me. Thanks for using the Word of God in your message. It shows you never teach your own thing, but you taught powerfully what is from God. I was so happy to see how God touched our lives and the lives of people there. People really got touched. I would love to be at other healing schools to learn more. I will come along to some Sunday Services. Thanks very much.

— J Burn

Five hours of rich teaching of the Word of God by Val Wolff was part of the Healing School Rick and I attended. She teaches strictly by the Bible. At the end of class she showed us how to pray to grow out arms and legs. People who walked with a limp part of their life, now walk normally. Val instructed us that by Faith you please God. She demonstrated by Faith and the mighty name of Jesus, people were delivered and set free. If anyone is looking for a Mission to support, Christ Healing Centre, Durban South Africa is the one to support! We saw people delivered and set free which will change their whole life as they go forth in their relationship with Jesus Christ!

— J. Bennett


Such a blessing for me meeting Pastor Val and her wonderful family. The healing school is a must for all starting ministries in healing and deliverance. Pastor Val has a power packed program that works and every part of it is backed by Bible principals. I absolutely loved her healing school and recommend everyone attend.

— R. Bennett