Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, here are some Frequently asked questions that we receive on our email system, this will create more of an understanding of the ministry that God has entrusted to Pastor Val Wolff.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord." Luke 4:18.

”Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the Gospel is preached. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." Luke 7:22-23

  • Christ Healing Centre is a Healing and Deliverance Ministry, when you plan on attending a service, we have found that, at times, there may be negative words spoken from church leaders, family or a friend. The truth is, the devil does not want you to be free, but will try and attempt to stop you from attending a service, he would prefer you to sit in a place where there is no freedom to the captives.

    People are currently travelling both internationally and locally to these services and schools. Jesus himself was rebuked and told to get out of a town for healing a man who had a mental illness by the tombs. So when you are cautioned against us, don’t listen to the naysayers, but go to the Word of God and pray, seek the truth out for yourself, you will see that this is from God as demonstrated in the Gospels and Book of Acts.

    We encourage you to come along and receive your freedom in the name of Jesus Christ, the freedom people are experiencing is through the completed works of Jesus on the cross, Jesus is the Healer, He paid the price, we are mere vessels demonstrating the power of God as Jesus confirms His Word with signs following (Mark 16:20). Don’t let the devil keep you in bondage, deliverance in Jesus name WILL bring freedom.

    Be connected to the source of our supply, know God for who He is, through His Word. The truth of God’s Word is setting many free.

  • My life and ministry is based on the final command of Jesus in Mark 16:15-18. I believe it and act upon it. Spiritual gifts are for the glorification of God! The anointing is by God's Grace alone and He moves as He wills. It is a demonstration of the Power of God for His Divine Purposes to fulfil the Great Commission as He instructed the Believers to do, Now, who would want to operate in anything less than the best? All glory and praises belong to Jesus Christ who enables us to work miracles in His mighty name by the Power of the Holy Spirit!

  • God Anointed me, in 2006 I had a visitation from God calling me into full time ministry. Christ Healing Centre is not affiliated with any Ministry, I give Jesus Christ all the Glory as He is my everything. When we act in faith there are no limitations to where God can take you, if you are willing to go the distance and to seek the Lord with all your heart, you will see His Glory manifested in the way that He has called you.

  • Mark 9:23 – “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” So often we find that people ask God to bless them but they don’t believe in their hearts that they will be delivered. So before you come along for prayer your heart must believe that you will be healed before it can come to pass. The Bible says 'As a man thinks in His heart, so is He. If your confession is different to what you believe in your heart, you won’t see any results. This is why you can travel to many deliverance ministries but never receive, because the heart does not believe and the tongue does not confess the healing even before the manifestation is there. All things are possible for them that Believe (Mark 9:23) Acting on the Word builds faith in our hearts which grows as we obey it. Step out in faith today and when you do, all things will become possible for you because you believe.

    So, after you have received prayer, it is time to put faith into action and begin to declare healing over your body, even if you have not received the manifestation of that healing, don’t negate your healing with negative words; that will only delay your miracle. Keep in mind that faith requires you believe before you see. Faith declares healing now, Faith gives thanks before the miracle is seen. A true Christian says what God has said in his Word, if you declare negative words, this means that you are not in agreement with God's Word, you MUST agree with God's Word without wavering in hard times when your faith is being tested. Faith grows as we read the Word. Jesus prayed that ‘your faith will not fail’. There are hundreds of Promises that confirm that Jesus heals today in His Word and assurance that no good gift will be withheld from those that walk uprightly, His arm is not shortened or His power no longer available for the healing of the sick, with the passing away of the apostles. It is also very important to discover the root cause of the sickness, I encourage you to get my book ‘The Healing Power of God’, available on Kindle and hard copy at our Services and Schools, many have been set free by reading this anointed book and listening to the CDs on Maintaining Healing and Deliverance. Even so, there are some and you will see it in all Ministries, where for some, deliverance does not seem to come but we always stand on the Word of God knowing that it is a great privilege for those who can press through and touch the hem of the Master.

  • This seems to be perhaps one of the most common questions asked concerning healing, many that come to our services know how I like to attack sickness at the roots, to close that door that allowed it to come in the first place and how there is an absolute need to maintain healing and deliverance in our lives.

    Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” John 5:14 (NKJV)

    There have been many cases where healing has been lost, that is, it is received and then a year later it has come back, but now in a worse state than it was before. So after we have received healing we must be sure to apply the principals of faith in God’s Word to continue this lifestyle of health and freedom.There are many who will seek God for healing, and once they’ve received their Miracle, go back to the same way they lived in the past, no relationship with God or fellowship in His Word by His Spirit. Now maintaining your healing in God’s Word, will renew your mind, change your words and lead you into an abundant life in Christ.

    This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

    God definitely did promise to do his part of keeping us in health till the end, but that doesn’t mean that we have no part to play. Almost all of God’s promises stated in scripture are somewhat dependent in part on us for their fulfilment. Jesus reminded the man at the pool of Bethesda of the need to maintain his miracle. He said to ‘sin no more’. Remember that Jesus is The Vine and we are the branches, In Him we live and move and have our being. So when you cut the branch from the vine, it will wither away. After receiving healing, do not go back to your former ways of drinking, smoking, fornication, gossiping, but rather seek the Lord and Love your neighbour as yourself.

  • This is to prove that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever. In all the Gospels, Jesus’s miracles were recorded in His Book, this builds up the faith of believers to receive from Him. Many have been encouraged by the Testimonies that are coming in, these people are coming back to share their healing and encourage others to receive. Testimonies edify Christ and His completed works on the cross. Jesus never turned off the lights to do deliverance, he exposed the devil in public. I want to show people what we truly fight against, it is not a battle of flesh and blood but of powers and principalities (Ephesians 6:12). Jesus fed 5,000 people in the open, not in secret. He cast out demons in public, not in secret, he tells us to do the same. That is why it could be written. I love Jesus. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please note when coming that ALL of our Healing Services and Schools are videotaped and parts of the service are shown on our Facebook page and YouTube Channel. These Videos are also live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube now and many of them are shown on Roku TV in the USA. Due to the recent growth of the Ministry, we are now unable to cater for those who do not want their prayer session to be videotaped. After 2-3 hours of deliverance prayer, I certainly do need a break. I think of how Jesus was publicly humiliated, beaten and left to die a criminals death on the cross, a servant is not greater than his master, therefore, the least we can do for Jesus is to share our experience and testimony to give others hope and bring Glory to the Father. Don’t live for Jesus privately, be bold to share Him unashamedly. Remember, the devil is defeated by the Word of your Testimony, if you do not share your Testimony, how can the devil be defeated in your life?

  • Eugene, Val’s Husband prints out crosses on a 3d Printer and together they pray over these crosses in the name of Jesus. At services, they hand out these crosses freely as they feel led of the Lord to people in the prayer line. If you have a cross, or water or any object that you would like Val to pray over, bring it along and she will pray over this in the prayer line for you according to Acts 19:11-12.

  • Please note that ALL Deliverance and Healing prayers are prayed for at our Services and Schools. Christ Healing Centre hires school halls and conference facilities at present, we currently do not have our own property as yet. We encourage everyone to come along to our Services only on the dates and times mentioned on this website under the Healing Services tab, as you go up to the Healing Line at a Service you will be prayed for.

    We receive 100s of requests for private prayer at homes and hospital visits of which we are presently unable to fulfil due to Val's time, travelling, teaching and equipping of many Pastors and Priests.

    Please note that all communication to the ministry must be via our email address on As we grow we will hire staff to answer calls. We thank you in advance for your prayer support and financial assistance to move this ministry to the next level. The Best is yet to come! Hallelujah!

  • As we are based in Durban, we have Healing and Deliverance Services at the Durban Primary School in Umbilo only on the dates advertised on our website. However, we are currently travelling around South Africa, so be sure to sign up to our Newsletter for updates. Entrance is through Cavell Road / off Umbilo Road. There is secure parking inside the school grounds. Please drive straight through into the school parking lot, and make sure that you are seated in the Durban Primary School hall at least 10 minutes before the Service starts. You are required by law to sign the POPIA form as services are livestreamed.

  • We do not have transport or accommodation facilities, kindly make your own way to the School via Taxi or Uber. Please note that the Healing Service currently ends sometime between 11am-12pm, depending on how many are coming along for prayer, please make sure you have arranged your transport facilities to kindly wait in the car park from 10:45am to collect you, so that we can lock the school as soon as the service is complete. Thank you for your understanding as the school hall is a hired facility. Kindly google Bed and Breakfast places around the Umbilo/Glenwood area for accommodation. If you are coming by plane, please note that there are shuttles to and from King Shaka Airport at the hotels that are situated on the Beachfront. The Durban Primary School is about 10 km from these hotels, therefore a taxi or hired vehicle with GPS would be the best option to get to the Service. Please note that the service starts at 9am, so it would be good to leave your hotel / accommodation at the latest 8:15am. There is secure parking in the school grounds and a security guard at the entrance. A bed and breakfast place that many who travel internationally book into is at Sir Harvey’s Bed and Breakfast., in Glenwood, which is within a few kms of the school.

  • If you have been prayed for and have a Testimony to share about your deliverance or healing through prayer at one of our services! Please come along and share, these Video Testimonies are helping so many around the World with similar conditions. We ask that you share your testimony for no longer than 5 minutes. Just as healings were documented in the Gospels, we record them at our services, so that people from all over the World can build faith by listening to your account of what Jesus has done for you in your life. Remember, the devil is defeated by the Word of your testimony. The Leper that came back to Jesus was made whole, the greater benefit is for you.

  • Note from Pastor Val: I am not the healer, Jesus is, therefore I encourage you to develop a relationship with Jesus, the manifestation of the healing is not in my own ability, it is not my work but the power of the Holy Spirit, it is not by might or power but by God's Spirit, therefore I don't take pressure when we receive negative emails or words spoken against us if the healing did not take place. Neither am I responsible for you receiving your healing, I can't change anyone, I can only do what God tells me to do.

    I pray in faith over all that come along for prayer and we are seeing many many miracles and testimonies come forth as a result, these are shared on our YouTube Channel, however there have been a few that have not received, this happens with every Healing Ministry, even the most anointed, but I always stand on God’s Word, knowing that He is faithful to His Word and that His Will be done.

    Beloved, I want to encourage you to listen to my sermons on my YouTube channel, this will help you to understand more about receiving, it will build your faith to believe that NOTHING is impossible with God. It is important that you read the Bible, pray, forgive and fast and seek FIRST the kingdom of God. Prepare your heart in the Word of God, repent of your sins, as you come along to receive healing and deliverance in Jesus mighty name.

  • Jesus freely paid the price for you on the cross, as we act on the Word of God in faith, we see many healings and deliverances take place. At Christ Healing Centre we do not charge anyone for healing and deliverance prayer, as with any church service, we take up an offering so that we can pay Venue, Website and General Ministry Monthly costs, therefore we ask most kindly that people come along with a cheerful heart, in love and gratitude in giving. Pastor Val does not take a salary, her husband pays for her car every month and she lives by faith in Jesus name, knowing that the best is yet to come and at the appointed time we will see the Glory of God with regards to our Vision.

    Consider the Parable of the Sower, indeed, the Bible says a Worker deserves his /her wages, you are coming here to receive deliverance or healing prayer, of course, there is no cost for that, but the ministry deserves support and love from those who have attended healing services, healing schools or learnt through the YouTube channel, God looks to your hearts in coming here. Many are travelling a great distance to attend these services, we live in a world of takers, ‘I want this, I want that, never I give’, Val freely gives of her time to help see many set free and minister from the kindness of her heart. Your healing is a free gift from God, salvation is a great blessing freely given from God, but God talks about the seed in the parable, the ministry is growing, we urge you to love and respect and support this ministry, even with a onetime offering or to become a monthly giver. I encourage you to sow into this anointing, some will reap 30-fold, 60-fold or 100-fold. The Bible says give and it shall be given unto you. The ministry has monthly expenses to cover, we also support a school with meals and stationery items, please consider giving a love offering from your heart, not for healing or deliverance but because of your obedience to Gods word and His promises and your love and support for Val and this amazing ministry that God has called her to that is making such an eternal impact on lives. Remember, the foundation of all is love, don’t miss out on Gods best for you because of disobedience to His Word. God loves His Servants, has anointed them, they deserve to be blessed as well. God so loved the world, that he gave. Consider how Val freely gives and do the same. Let it be led of God and from your heart.

    Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

  • Deliverance for many is instant but for some it is a process. The Lord is wanting to work on your heart, Yes, this is very common, if we ask God to shine a light on our hearts, we would find that there is a spirit of unforgiveness, envy, offense, jealousy, bitterness and anger in many hearts today, this breaks communion and fellowship with God. It opens the door to whatever situation we are in, nightmares, barrenness, anger, jealousy, gossip are roots to sickness and disease. The food for the devil is all these evil things. Whereas, Righteousness, peace and love are the roots to healing and deliverance. There are many that refuse to forgive, but today many are running everywhere for healing/deliverance prayer, even blaming the Pastor but when healing is taking a while or does not take place, many are holding onto the pain of the past. There is no Pastor that can help you if you hold onto these things. God will not favour a pastor over his Word, he cannot deny himself, therefore when you have seen the power of God in our services and its been a while and there is no healing, remember your heart matters to God, how you respond to others, even us means a lot to him, we are just vessels, Jesus brings the Healing. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, God loves you for who he created you to be, you don’t have to compare yourself with others.

    The Word of God is our protection, make it a part of your daily life to maintain your healing and deliverance. When you are delivered the demons go out but now the battle starts, the question now is ‘will there be a change in character, in love to others, prayer life, reading the Bible and seeking the Lord?’ or ‘will one receive deliverance prayer and never open the Bible, speak against the minister and go back to your former way of life?’. There is a choice. You can go to any deliverance ministry in the world but the Word of God is true, demons can come back (John 5:14) if there is no effort on the part of the person to actively seek the Lord.

    So now that you have received deliverance, read the Word, seek the Lord, fast, pray, speak God’s Word, walk by faith and not by sight, don’t be controlled by your circumstances, be confident that its settled. If one finds themselves constantly seeking deliverance in a particular area, this means that they have not believed, when a Minister of God prays for you, you know its settled, you believed when you were prayed for and even if the blessing is taking a while to come to pass, you speak God’s Word, repent of sins, make peace with those who have hurt you, knowing that the blessing is on its way but to constantly seek deliverance in a certain area is unbelief. Discover the root cause to your situation, God's Word never returns void, don’t become offended by this, because this is the very truth that sets you free. Only faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). As Jesus said to the boy’s father ‘Don’t be afraid, only believe’. Its all about relationship with God, loving yourself and others.

  • Ladies, we ask that you consider wearing long pants instead of dresses during the healing services. When the power of God comes down you may manifest either at your seat or through deliverance prayer - you then do not want to be concerned about your dress flapping open; this is for your own comfort and protection. We also ask that you don’t wear clothes that show your cleavage or short skirts. It is for this reason that Pastor Val wears longs as well. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Please note that ALL communication to Christ Healing Centre is messaged through the email address on this website at No cell phone, WhatsApp or landline lines are currently available. Thank you for your understanding

  • Consider going on a 1-3 day fast before coming. The Bible tells us that some demons only go out with prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). We have found that Fasting causes the demons to lose power and to go out quickly.

  • We ask most kindly that you never force a family member to attend a service, their coming to CHC is by divine appointment and at God’s appointed time, many have bought family members along that are not ready to receive, they have felt uncomfortable and have spoken against us. When the timing is right, when the desire is in their hearts to want to change, to read the Word and to want to be delivered, there will be a desire on their heart to come. Deliverance is a very delicate process, it doesn’t come by force but by the spirit of God confirming his word. Love and respect those around you, tell them about what God is doing in the ministry and when they are ready to receive their deliverance, bring them along for prayer. Remember, only faith pleases God. Hallelujah!

  • As Val prays for deliverance and healing, many times the Lord gives her prophetic words for those in the prayer line, she only speaks by the Spirit of God and not of the flesh therefore, if you are looking for a Word and nothing has been given to her, don’t become discouraged, the Bible says ‘my sheep hear my voice’, the Lord is wanting you to hear yourself. Her words on this topic are ‘I do people a disservice if I share everything the Lord tells me and shows me about them to such a degree that they never learn to hear and know His voice themselves. We serve a function but greater than ministering healing is connecting people with such a powerful faith in and revelation of the Lord that they too can receive right from the anointing in and on them. Greater than me sharing the secrets of His heart is connecting people to His heart so they develop that relationship for themselves, its important that, God wants to connect with us on that level, we are His children, in fact, we actually hear him all the time but so often the troubles of the world hinder many today. It’s God’s plan for all His Children spiritually too. Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets win souls but they also impart and produce in others that passion for souls that burns in them! Prophets will always share the heart of God and I won’t hold back when I have a Word, I must be obedient and convey that Word to someone, but we also produce a longing in others to know His heart and a faith that they too can hear his voice; we impart this intimacy with him to them or at least a burning hunger for it that they can grow into. And yet, it all boils down to seek first the kingdom of God, there are many people not wanting relationship with Jesus who want to rely on others for Words, know God’s heart for you, seek that relationship, its all about relationship. But let me tell you, you really want to seek God and experience this prophetic call, it is so Awesome to hear from Him yourself and walk in the spirit, there’s a challenge for you, get excited there is so much more to walking with the Lord, you are seated in heavenly places, open your heart, free your spirit, walk in it.’ Hallelujah, Val Wolff

  • Yes, we do, in 2024 we have already been to California and New Jersey, and will be back in the USA in September 2024 for a Healing School in Florida and Service in New Jersey, there are many other plans, we rely on donations to help us get there. Consider becoming a monthly giver so that we can branch out even further.

  • Children are advised to come up for prayer at the END of prayer line when the cameras are turned off and Val will pray! Due to wild manifestations, it is not advisable that children sit in the hall during the deliverance time.

  • Due to previous bad experiences, we have had dogs barking and people leaving our services, the focus is shifted. No Animals are allowed at our Services or Schools. No one under the influence of alcohol is allowed. This is all for the protection of those coming along for prayer, thank you for respect and understanding. If you have any questions in this regard, please email us.

  • No, We minister Healing and Deliverance Services where demons that are causing sickness/setbacks and delays are cast out. Jesus gave us His Word, all the counselling/direction/revelation you need is found in God's Word alone. Our Mission is to cast out demons, to lay hands on the sick and see them recover and to teach Believers in Christ to pray effectively for the sick at Healing Schools.

  • If you feel you have been healed and want to go off your medication, please consult your doctor and let them be the one to take you off the medication.. We never advise anyone to go off their meds. This is to your own discretion.